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Terminology for Cloud Services: A Glossary of Opposing Terms

The many terminologies in use when comparing cloud services is one of the most difficult problems to overcome - especially because some words have been accepted to mean the...

The History of Incident Management: an Overview

Have you ever pondered the history of incident management? If you work in SRE, you might be so preoccupied...

AWS vs Azure vs GCP Cloud Services Comparison

This cloud services comparison was created to show the distinctions and similarities between three of the top cloud...

DataOps vs. DevOps: Which One Is Right for Your Business?

To determine which approach is right for your business, you may want to consider factors such as your...

What Is the Difference Between DataOps and DevOps?

There's an almost infinite amount of data these days, and even measuring it necessitates using a byte measurement...

What Are Identity Providers (IdPs)? Why Do You Need One? and, Why are They so Important?

Identity providers (IdPs) are systems that create, maintain and manage identity information for principals in a federated or distributed network. Identity providers offer user...

Finding: Managed Services Software Engineering Productivity Gains

Jellyfish, a provider of an engineering management platform (EMP), published this week's study that analyzes the time 23,000 software engineers spent working in 2021...

The Increasing Demand for DevSecOps Expertise

Demand for DevSecOps talent and skills is accelerating at a far greater rate than that for DevOps. This is because DevSecOps bridges the gap...

The Importance of Customer Experience Observability and Analytics

Customers will generally respond with little hesitation when asked to name their favorite brand. When pushed a bit further, the role of customer experience...

The Basics of Network Protection for Today’s Threat Environment

It’s hard to secure your network against all threats. Even when following every best practice, there are still going to be zero-day exploits and...

Ransomeware Prevention Requires Immutable Data

By 2022, 2.5 quintillion bytes of data will be produced every day, which is roughly equivalent to all the books ever published. IT teams...